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Seed Prototypes

Danielle Kathleen Seed Collection

Some of the prototypes for my new Seed collection in silver arrived today as well! I'm so thrilled with these! Final designs coming soon!! ^_^  

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Haiku II Collection

Danielle Kathleen Haiku Collection

Finished my new Danielle Kathleen collection, ready to drop off at Kin Gallery this weekend. I'm so happy with how these new designs are turning out! Do you like them? ^_^  

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Product Photography

Over the years, as I've worked on collections and witnessed the successes of my fellow designers, the one asset that I think proves the most valuable is the ability to take fantastic product photos. A great photograph of a design will increase the professional look and feel of a website and promotional materials, and will capture the attention of buyers. This is an area that I've always struggled with. I would never recommend amateur photography over professional photography - professional photography is an investment. But, it's also something that small time designers and early career artists can't necessarily afford just yet....

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Haiku Collection - Exhibition Opens Today

Tonight is the exciting launch of my new exhibition/pop-up shop! I'm excited but nervous- it was a big six months of creating to get here, and I'm hoping it pays off. Above are some snaps of the space before everyone arrives at 5:00pm. Wish me luck! - Danni Event: www.facebook.com/events/1614789535431124/

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Haiku Collection

Danielle Kathleen Haiku Collection Pop-up shop

Over 2015 my goal has been to unite the forces of my creativity into a cycle of vitality - writing inspires painting, inspires design, inspires jewellery, and back again. I've refused a plan and the pressure to work in any one medium. Instead, I let inspiration steer me into both familiar and unknown waters, and have committed myself to simply seeking expressions of calm meditation, simplicity and beauty. Except for the signposts of progress in having exhibitions to work towards, the plan has been to let the spiritual energy of creating move through me, and to let myself be moved....

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